
Conquering 7 Hurdles of Digitalization: How Liferay DXP Empowers Companies

Over 1,200 leaders around the world have leveraged Liferay DXP to address a variety of digitalization use cases. Here are some of the most common:
  • Unifying applications, sites, and legacy tools under a modern interface
  • Personalizing each user’s experience
  • Leveraging self-service to reduce costs
  • Enabling digital commerce experiences
  • Digitizing and automating business operations to minimize errors and enhance efficiency
  • Empowering business users to publish content and launch sites faster
  • Bringing all your data into one view for consistent updates and informed decision-making

Discover insights from real-world Liferay customer use cases in our new ebook, and explore how leveraging a DXP can transform your digital strategy.
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Liferay DXP Extensibility and Integration
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Product Info
Liferay DXP Extensibility and Integration
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Liferay DXP Features List
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Liferay DXP Features List
Whitepaper, Product Info
Data Protection for Liferay Services and Software
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Whitepaper, Product Info
Data Protection for Liferay Services and Software
1400 Montefino Avenue
Diamond Bar, CA 91765
Built on Liferay Digital Experience Platform